Friday, March 24, 2017

MEE Blog Post 08

1.) 7 hours of sleep per night?
2.) Active, Exercising?
3.) Social interaction
4.) Down time
5.) Homework completion

1.) 10/10
2.) 2/10
3.) 6/10
4.) 1/10
5.) 7/10

Bad things come in 3's

If you read my post last week you would have seen that I lost my grandfather, after I posted that blog a came to find out that a friend of mine who was 23 passed due to a food allergy and couldn't be saved. Knowing that bad things usually come in threes, I was waiting for the last one and I come back from break to find my room soaked in water from my neighbors upstairs over flowing the bathtub or sink. Its been a difficult few weeks but this is what defines who you are, if you can make it through times like these a simple linear project from college cant be that bad. My project has been giving me issues from day one because of the differential equation involved in my system but I've found ways around it, just another obstacle and Im glad the project is finally nearing the end.

Friday, March 10, 2017

MEE Blog Post 07

1.) 7 hours of sleep per night?
2.) Active, Exercising?
3.) Social interaction
4.) Down time
5.) Homework completion

1.) 10/10
2.) 4/10
3.) 8/10
4.) 10/10
5.) 10/10

This post is going to be for my grandfather who passed away this past Tuesday.


You were an astounding man, one who was kind and loving to not only my grandmother but also my whole family. I will always remember the good spirit you radiated around you and carried with you wherever you were. Even after being diagnosed with cancer you never gave up, you fought it every day and remained optimistic through every treatment and surgery. I know you were not my biological grandfather but you never stopped filling the role no matter the circumstances. You never wanted me to call you “Grandpa” in fear of forgetting Arthur, but to me you will always be my grandfather. I’m sure he was very happy to see how you treated my family and is grateful for the 17 wonderful years you gave us. We all love you, rest in peace.

Friday, March 3, 2017

MEE Blog Post 06

1.) 7 hours of sleep per night?
2.) Active, Exercising?
3.) Social interaction
4.) Down time
5.) Homework completion

1.) 10/10
2.) 2/10
3.) 5/10
4.) 8/10
5.) 10/10

This will be another follow of blog post to last weeks post about my Linear Systems Test. Overall I think the test went very well, nothing was a surprise between homework and the study guide. Everything on the exam was seen/reviewed before hand and was up to the student if he/she wanted to review the work. For me, my study habits worked in my favor because that's what I'm used to, I purposely went to bed at 9pm the night before hand and got a good night sleep. Then once I woke up I worked through the entire studied guide from start to finish again just in case I may have missed something or not retained the information. It works out well in my favor if I take sample tests before the exam, being I have anxiety before exams. Next objective is this linear project which seems challenging but Im sure there are ways to simplify my topic of choice. I decided to compare two different suspension systems in used in cars, one is the standard passive system used in most cars (simple springs) and the other is an active system (changes dampening rates depending on different surfaces). I was informed that the systems are governed by differential equations and have to convert them to linear form somehow, ill figure it out soon, I hope haha.